Erin Walsh Kugler, NCC
Identifying & Expressing Feelings
Activity: Developing Emotion Vocabulary
Grade Level(s): Kindergarten
ASCA Student Standard(s):
PS:A1.5 Identify and express feelings
Learning Objective(s):
Increase "feeling words" vocabulary
Ability to identify their own feelings
List of feeling words
Feeling dice
Small boxes
Feeling pictures (facial expression and feeling word) on each side
Check-in board
Poster divided into sections
Each section has a facial expression and feeling word
Clothes pins, each with a student's name
Open topic about emotions and feeling words. Have students identify and loosely define ones they know, list on the board.
Dice activity
Break up the children into small groups and have them take turns rolling the dice
Have them read the feeling word for the face/ or identify the feeling
Have the children imitate the facial expression related to the feeling
Once they identify the feeling, have them talk about a time they felt that feeling
Bring the students back together in a large group to read a story
Read aloud a story book (preferably a book with pictures)
Check in with the students throughout the story asking them feeling questions about the character (examples: "how do you think the character is feeling?", "what made the character feel this way?" and have them explain)
Check-in board
Pass out clothes pins to students
Have them place their clothes pin on the emotion they're feeling
Ask them why they put their pin on that feeling
Explain how they will be using the check-in board daily and their teacher will check in with why they feel that way and if that feeling changes during their time at school and why
Take record of students who attended the classroom guidance
Record differences in student feeling word vocabulary sizes
based on the list of words they provided before the activity and word usage after the activity
Evaluate how frequently students use feeling words accurately for themeslves and others
Follow Up:
Work with teacher to see how the check-in board is working, notice a difference in student use of feeling words (frequency, particular words, accuracy),have teacher identify if any students are still struggling with expanding their feeling words vocabulary.