Erin Walsh Kugler, NCC
Counseling Experience
Orange County High School, Orange, VA
August 2015 - May 2016
Provided individual and group counseling services on a weekly or bi-weekly basis to students of diverse cultural background and academic levels on issues such as anxiety, depression, academic skills, organization, truancy, family changes, peer relationships, academic motivation, college and career
Provided crisis counseling to students having difficulties regarding peer relationships, teacher relationships, and home life
Attended home visits in addition to IEP, 504, and child study meetings
Collaborated with administrators, counselors, career coach, college advisor, social worker, and school psychologist
Assisted in planning and implementation of school-wide anti-bullying week activities such as a “T.H.I.N.K. before you post” photo booth and “mix it up at lunch” day
Developed, implemented, and facilitated small group to improve academic motivation with tenth grade students
Greenbrier Elementary School, Charlottesville, VA.
January 2015 - May 2015
​Planned, lead, and co-lead classroom guidance at least three times a day; implemented a variety of classroom guidance lessons addressing aimed at career exploration and development of social skills
Provided individual and group counseling services to a diverse caseload of students regarding difficulties at home and developing relationships with peers
Co-lead a small-group for third grade girls who struggled with developing healthy friendships
Work Experience
University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA.
Graduate Assistant
February 2015 - July 2015
Involved in planning and running of mini-conference promoting engagement in a diverse workforce
Assisted in research to identify innovative programs that promote success of diverse students in both technical and business fields
Set up and conducted interviews with faculty as part of research
Research used to identify programs to spotlight at mini-conference and create rubric
Montgomery Child Care Association, Rockville, MD.
Teacher's Aide
October 2013 - June 2014
​Maximum of 90 children at once, over 100 total; divided into a 3 group rotation
Practiced play based cirriculum
Implemented and oversaw developmentally appropriate activitites
Encouraged and facilitated communication between children in times of conflict
Worked as part of a cohesive team consisteing of teachers, aides, and two directors
Babysitter. Arlington, VA.
Summer 2012
​Cared for infant (4 months old - 6 months old) in her home from morning to evening
Bottle fed, spoon fed, naps, both independent and social play
Encouraged babbling, supportive sitting, crawling, standing, and aided walking
Research Experience
Maryland Child & Family Development Lab, College Park, MD.
Undergraduate Reserach Assistant
Spring 2013
Maryland Child & Family Development Lab
Coded videos of infants during puppet interactions
Followed specific guidelines to code quality of interaction based on three categories: facial, physical, and vocal
Participated in group meetings to discuss coding and increase inter-rater reliability
Took discussion from group meetings to alter coding performance
2010 - present
2010 - present
University of Virginia. Charlottesville, VA.
M.Ed. in Counselor Education
Honors: Chi Sigma Iota
University of Maryland. College Park, MD.
B.A. in Psychology with Minor in Human Development
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